which ordered pair is a solution of the equation y=-7x+2

a. (1,2)
b. (8,-54)
c. (5,-35)
d. (1,-7)

To determine if an ordered pair is a solution to the equation y = -7x + 2, we substitute the values of x and y from the ordered pair into the equation and check if the equation is true.

a. (1,2)
Substituting x = 1 and y = 2 into the equation:
2 = -7(1) + 2
2 = -7 + 2
2 = -5 (Not true)

b. (8,-54)
Substituting x = 8 and y = -54 into the equation:
-54 = -7(8) + 2
-54 = -56 + 2
-54 = -54 (True)

c. (5,-35)
Substituting x = 5 and y = -35 into the equation:
-35 = -7(5) + 2
-35 = -35 + 2
-35 = -33 (Not true)

d. (1,-7)
Substituting x = 1 and y = -7 into the equation:
-7 = -7(1) + 2
-7 = -7 + 2
-7 = -5 (Not true)

Therefore, the ordered pair (8, -54) is a solution to the equation y = -7x + 2. The correct answer is b. (8, -54).

To determine which ordered pair is a solution to the equation y = -7x + 2, you need to substitute the x and y values of each option into the equation and see if it satisfies the equation.

Let's substitute the x and y values of each option into the equation:

a. (1, 2)
When x = 1 and y = 2, the equation becomes:
2 = -7(1) + 2
2 = -7 + 2
2 = -5

Since -5 does not equal 2, option a is not a solution to the equation.

b. (8, -54)
When x = 8 and y = -54, the equation becomes:
-54 = -7(8) + 2
-54 = -56 + 2
-54 = -54

Since -54 = -54, option b satisfies the equation.

c. (5, -35)
When x = 5 and y = -35, the equation becomes:
-35 = -7(5) + 2
-35 = -35 + 2
-35 = -33

Since -35 does not equal -33, option c is not a solution to the equation.

d. (1, -7)
When x = 1 and y = -7, the equation becomes:
-7 = -7(1) + 2
-7 = -7 + 2
-7 = -5

Since -7 does not equal -5, option d is not a solution to the equation.

Therefore, the only solution to the equation y = -7x + 2 is option b, (8, -54).

To find the solution of the equation, substitute the given values of x and y into the equation and see if the equation holds true.

Let's start by checking each option:

a. (1,2)
Substituting x = 1 and y = 2 into the equation, we get:
2 = -7(1) + 2
2 = -7 + 2
2 = -5 (This is not true)

b. (8,-54)
Substituting x = 8 and y = -54 into the equation, we get:
-54 = -7(8) + 2
-54 = -56 + 2
-54 = -54 (This is true)

c. (5,-35)
Substituting x = 5 and y = -35 into the equation, we get:
-35 = -7(5) + 2
-35 = -35 + 2
-35 = -33 (This is not true)

d. (1,-7)
Substituting x = 1 and y = -7 into the equation, we get:
-7 = -7(1) + 2
-7 = -7 + 2
-7 = -5 (This is not true)

Therefore, the ordered pair that is a solution of the equation y = -7x + 2 is option b: (8,-54).