Cody’s mom has heart disease. What can MOST likely be predicted about Cody’s health?

(1 point)

Cody will definitely have heart disease.

Cody will definitely have heart disease.

Cody will have the same chance of heart disease as everyone else.

Cody will have the same chance of heart disease as everyone else.

Cody will have a higher likelihood of heart disease than everyone else.

Cody will have a higher likelihood of heart disease than everyone else.

Cody will have no risk of having heart disease.

Cody will have a higher likelihood of heart disease than everyone else.

Anna has been diagnosed with poliovirus. What MOST likely caused this virus?

(1 point)

She shared a dirty needle when injecting drugs with an acquaintance.

She shared a dirty needle when injecting drugs with an acquaintance.

She didn’t thoroughly wash her hands after using the restroom.

She didn’t thoroughly wash her hands after using the restroom.

She consumed food that wasn’t cooked to a safe temperature.

She consumed food that wasn’t cooked to a safe temperature.

She inhaled droplets from a nearby stranger’s cough.

She inhaled droplets from a nearby stranger’s cough.

Justine has been diagnosed with AIDS. What does this MOST likely mean for Justine?

(1 point)

She received a vaccine for AIDS that was ineffective.

She received a vaccine for AIDS that was ineffective.

She previously had human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

She previously had human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Her parents passed on genes to Justine that cause AIDS.

Her parents passed on genes to Justine that cause AIDS.

Her symptoms include paresthesia, meningitis, and paralysis.

She previously had human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Cody will have a higher likelihood of heart disease than everyone else.

The most likely prediction about Cody's health in this scenario is that Cody will have a higher likelihood of heart disease than everyone else. This prediction is based on the fact that Cody's mom has heart disease, which suggests a possible genetic predisposition to the condition. However, it is important to note that this is not a definite prediction and other factors such as lifestyle choices and overall health can also play a role in determining individual health outcomes.

It is important to recognize that predicting health outcomes based on family history alone is not conclusive. To obtain a more accurate assessment of Cody's health risks, it would be advisable to consult with a healthcare professional who can consider additional factors and provide a personalized evaluation.