In Krissy's collection, there are 15 action movies and 21 comedies. What is the ratio of comedies to action movies in Krissy's collection?

The ratio of comedies to action movies in Krissy's collection is 21/15, which simplifies to 7/5.

To find the ratio of comedies to action movies in Krissy's collection, we need to divide the number of comedies by the number of action movies.

Number of comedies = 21
Number of action movies = 15

The ratio of comedies to action movies is 21/15, or simplified, 7/5.

To find the ratio of comedies to action movies in Krissy's collection, you need to divide the number of comedies by the number of action movies.

So, in this case, the number of comedies is 21 and the number of action movies is 15.

To calculate the ratio, you would divide 21 by 15:

Ratio of comedies to action movies = 21 / 15

Simplifying the ratio, you get:

Ratio of comedies to action movies = 7 / 5

So, the ratio of comedies to action movies in Krissy's collection is 7:5.