At a garage sale, the following items were sold.

Item Number Sold
t-shirts 25
shorts 15
dresses 4
hats 2
shoes 5
sunglasses 10

Which of the following comparisons of the items sold represent a ratio of 5:2?

The ratio 5:2 means that for every 5 of one item sold, there are 2 of another item sold.

The only comparison that represents a ratio of 5:2 is t-shirts to hats.

Therefore, the comparison is t-shirts: hats.

To find the comparison of items sold that represents a ratio of 5:2, we need to look for two quantities that have a ratio of 5 to 2.

Let's go through the options:

1. T-shirts to dresses: The ratio of t-shirts to dresses is 25:4, which is not 5:2.

2. Shorts to hats: The ratio of shorts to hats is 15:2, which is not 5:2.

3. Dresses to sunglasses: The ratio of dresses to sunglasses is 4:10, which is not 5:2.

4. Hats to sunglasses: The ratio of hats to sunglasses is 2:10, which simplifies to 1:5. This is not 5:2.

5. Shoes to shorts: The ratio of shoes to shorts is 5:15, which simplifies to 1:3. This is not 5:2.

None of the provided options represents a ratio of 5:2 for the items sold.

To find the ratio of 5:2 among the items sold, we need to compare the number of two specific items. In this case, we have the following items and quantities sold:

T-shirts: 25
Shorts: 15
Dresses: 4
Hats: 2
Shoes: 5
Sunglasses: 10

To determine if there is a ratio of 5:2, we will compare the quantities sold.

Taking a closer look at the given quantities, we can see that the comparison "t-shirts: shorts" has the quantity of 25:15, which simplifies to 5:3, so it does not match our desired ratio of 5:2.

Similarly, the comparisons "t-shirts: dresses" and "t-shirts: hats" will not result in a ratio of 5:2 either.

Checking the remaining options, we find that the comparison "t-shirts: shoes" has the quantity of 25:5, which simplifies to 5:1. This also does not match our desired ratio.

Finally, we have the comparison "t-shirts: sunglasses" with the quantity of 25:10, which simplifies to 5:2.

Therefore, the comparison of t-shirts sold to sunglasses sold represents the ratio of 5:2.