Gabby and her girlfriend are running a booth at the carnival selling small decorated bags of candy in order to make more profit. They purchase candy in a large bag that they will sort into 0.75 pound bags of candy they were able to find large bags of candy that contain 18.8 pounds of candy if they are selling the small bags of candy for $1.50 how much can they make from each large bag round to the nearest whole bag of candy and the nearest cent.

To determine how many small bags of candy they can make from each large bag, we need to divide the weight of the large bag of candy by the weight of each small bag of candy:

18.8 lbs / 0.75 lbs/bag = 25.07 bags

Since we need to round to the nearest whole bag of candy, they can make 25 bags from each large bag of candy.

Now, to calculate how much money they can make from each large bag, we multiply the number of bags by the price per bag:

25 bags * $1.50/bag = $37.50

Therefore, they can make $37.50 from each large bag of candy.

To determine the number of 0.75-pound bags they can make from each large bag of candy, divide the total weight of the large bag by the weight of each small bag:

18.8 pounds ÷ 0.75 pounds = 25.07 bags

Since we need to round to the nearest whole bag, they can make approximately 25 bags from each large bag of candy.

Next, we can calculate the total amount of money they can make from each large bag by multiplying the number of bags by the selling price:

25 bags × $1.50/bag = $37.50

Therefore, they can make $37.50 from each large bag of candy when rounded to the nearest cent.

To find out how much Gabby and her girlfriend can make from each large bag, we need to calculate the number of small bags of candy they can make from it and then multiply it by the selling price.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of small bags of candy in one large bag:
Divide the weight of the large bag by the weight of each small bag.
Number of small bags = Weight of large bag / Weight of each small bag
Number of small bags = 18.8 pounds / 0.75 pounds = 25.0667 bags

Step 2: Round the number of small bags to the nearest whole number:
Since we cannot have a fraction of a bag, we need to round the number of small bags to the nearest whole number.
Rounded number of small bags = 25 bags

Step 3: Calculate the total earnings from each large bag:
Multiply the number of small bags by the selling price per small bag.
Total earnings = Number of small bags x Selling price per small bag
Total earnings = 25 bags x $1.50 per bag = $37.50

Therefore, Gabby and her girlfriend can make $37.50 from each large bag.

Note: We rounded the number of small bags to the nearest whole bag and the earnings to the nearest cent.