Eli is making soup for his family. He adds 3 cups of vegetables, 4 cups of broth, 1 cup of chicken, and 2 cups of noodles to the soup. What percent of the soup is vegetables?

The total amount of soup is 3 cups of vegetables + 4 cups of broth + 1 cup of chicken + 2 cups of noodles = <<3+4+1+2=10>>10 cups.

The percentage of the soup that is vegetables is (3 cups / 10 cups) * 100% = 30%. Answer: \boxed{30}.

so whats the answer

The answer is 30%.

To find the percentage of the soup that is vegetables, we need to calculate the ratio of vegetable quantity to the total quantity of the soup and then convert it to a percentage.

Step 1: Find the total quantity of the soup.
Total quantity of the soup = 3 cups of vegetables + 4 cups of broth + 1 cup of chicken + 2 cups of noodles.
Total quantity of the soup = 10 cups.

Step 2: Calculate the ratio of vegetables to the total quantity of the soup.
Ratio of vegetable quantity to total quantity = (3 cups of vegetables / 10 cups of soup).

Step 3: Convert the ratio to a percentage.
Percentage of vegetables in the soup = (Ratio of vegetable quantity to total quantity) x 100.

Let's calculate it:
Percentage of vegetables in the soup = (3 cups / 10 cups) x 100.
Percentage of vegetables in the soup = 0.3 x 100.
Percentage of vegetables in the soup = 30%.

Therefore, 30% of the soup is vegetables.

To determine the percentage of soup that is vegetables, we need to compare the amount of vegetables to the total amount of soup.

Step 1: Calculate the total amount of soup.
To do this, we need to find the sum of all the ingredients. Eli adds 3 cups of vegetables, 4 cups of broth, 1 cup of chicken, and 2 cups of noodles.
Total soup = 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 10 cups

Step 2: Calculate the percentage.
To find the percentage, divide the amount of vegetables by the total amount of soup and multiply by 100.
Vegetable percentage = (3 / 10) * 100 = 30%

Therefore, 30% of the soup is vegetables.