Why were the Phoenicians able to spread their culture over a wide area?

(1 point)

Phoenician armies imposed Phoenician culture throughout the region.

Phoenician armies imposed Phoenician culture throughout the region.

Phoenicia had many natural resources that were desirable to other countries.

Phoenicia had many natural resources that were desirable to other countries.

The Phoenician cavalry could cover more ground faster than foot soldiers.

The Phoenician cavalry could cover more ground faster than foot soldiers.

Phoenician sailors traded with other cities in the Mediterranean region.

Phoenician sailors traded with other cities in the Mediterranean region.

Phoenician sailors traded with other cities in the Mediterranean region.

The Phoenicians were able to spread their culture over a wide area primarily because of their extensive trading network. Phoenician sailors were skilled traders and established trade routes throughout the Mediterranean region, allowing them to interact with and influence other cities and civilizations. Through their trade, the Phoenicians not only spread their goods and resources but also their culture, ideas, and practices. This played a significant role in the dissemination and influence of Phoenician culture beyond their homeland.

The correct response is: Phoenician sailors traded with other cities in the Mediterranean region.

The Phoenicians were able to spread their culture over a wide area primarily because of their extensive maritime trade network. They were skilled sailors and established numerous trading colonies across the Mediterranean region. They traded various goods such as precious metals, textiles, glass, and purple dyes, which were highly desirable to other cities and civilizations. This trade allowed the Phoenicians to establish economic and cultural connections with different societies, enabling the dissemination of their culture throughout the region.