Dr. Lyon suggests that it's better to focus on fat loss than to focus on building skeletal muscle.

b) false

b) false

b) false

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with information to help you understand the topic.

The statement you mentioned is subjective and depends on individual goals and preferences. Both fat loss and building skeletal muscle are important for overall health and fitness, but the emphasis may vary depending on an individual's priorities.

Some people may prioritize fat loss because excessive body fat can have negative effects on health and increase the risk of various diseases. In this case, their main focus would be on creating a calorie deficit through a combination of a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

On the other hand, others might prioritize building skeletal muscle because having a higher muscle mass can improve strength, metabolism, and overall physical performance. This usually involves resistance training exercises and consuming adequate protein to support muscle growth.

It's worth noting that losing fat and building muscle are not mutually exclusive goals. It is possible to work on both simultaneously, though progress may be slower compared to focusing on one aspect at a time.

In summary, the appropriateness of focusing on fat loss or building skeletal muscle depends on the individual's specific goals and priorities. There is no universally right or wrong answer to this question.