which of these characteristics of a star make it most likely to become a black hole? select the two correct answers.

its mass is greater than 20 times the mass of the sun
it has an abundant supply of hydrogen
its mass is equal to that of the sun
it is dying

The two correct answers are:

1. Its mass is greater than 20 times the mass of the Sun: Mass plays a crucial role in the formation of a black hole. Stars with a mass greater than 20 times that of the Sun have the potential to undergo a supernova explosion, which can lead to the formation of a black hole.

2. It is dying: The death of a star, specifically through a supernova explosion, is a common pathway for the formation of a black hole. As a dying star runs out of nuclear fuel, it undergoes a series of explosive reactions that can result in the collapse of its core and the eventual creation of a black hole.

The two characteristics of a star that make it most likely to become a black hole are:

1. Its mass is greater than 20 times the mass of the sun.
2. It is dying.

Please note that the presence of an abundant supply of hydrogen or having a mass equal to that of the sun does not necessarily determine the likelihood of a star becoming a black hole.

To determine which characteristics of a star make it most likely to become a black hole, we need to consider the process of stellar evolution and the specific conditions required for black hole formation. Specifically, we need to look at the mass of the star and its stage of life.

1. Mass: One of the crucial factors in black hole formation is the mass of the star. For a star to have the potential to become a black hole, its mass must be significantly larger than that of the Sun. This means that the first option, "its mass is greater than 20 times the mass of the Sun," is one of the correct answers.

2. Stage of Life: Black holes are formed through the gravitational collapse of massive stars during their final stages of evolution. Stars typically go through a lifecycle, starting with hydrogen burning in their core and progressing to helium burning, and so on. Towards the end of a massive star's life, it goes through a supernova explosion, expelling its outer layers. If the remaining core is extremely massive, it can potentially collapse to form a black hole. Therefore, the option "it is dying" is the second correct answer.

Hence, the correct answers are:
- Its mass is greater than 20 times the mass of the Sun.
- It is dying.