the following code is for python function to represent a recursive function to find the factorial of an ineger

def factorial(x):
if x==1:
return 1
else: return (x*factorial(x-1))
print("the factorial of ", num, "is", factorial(num))
which code reflects the recursive case

The code "return (x*factorial(x-1))" reflects the recursive case.

The following code reflects the recursive case:

else: return (x*factorial(x-1))

The recursive case in the given code is represented by the return statement:

else: return (x*factorial(x-1))

In this case, if the input value `x` is not equal to 1, the function calls itself with the argument `x-1` and multiplies the current value of `x` with the recursive call result. This continues until `x` reaches 1 in the base case.

To better understand how this code works, let's break it down step by step:

1. The function `factorial()` is defined, taking a parameter `x`.

2. The if statement `if x==1:` checks if the value of `x` is equal to 1, which is the base case.

3. If the condition `x==1` is true, the function returns 1. This is the base case because the factorial of 1 is defined as 1.

4. If the condition `x==1` is false, the else block is executed. It calculates the factorial recursively by multiplying the current value of `x` with the factorial of `x-1` (i.e., `factorial(x-1)`).

5. The recursive call `factorial(x-1)` means that the function is calling itself with the argument `x-1`. This will continue until `x` becomes 1, reaching the base case.

6. Once the base case is reached, the function starts returning values back up the recursion, calculating the factorial.

In the given code, the recursive case is represented by `return (x*factorial(x-1))`. This allows the function to call itself with a smaller value until it reaches the base case and calculates the factorial.