Use the correct word to complete the sentences

The boy dressed (blank)
The car hurt (blank)

The boy dressed (himself)

The car hurt (itself)

The boy dressed himself.

The car hurt itself.

To complete the sentences, we need to use the appropriate word.

1. The boy dressed (blank).
To find the correct word, we need to determine the tense and form of the verb "dress" that fits in the sentence. In this case, we are looking for the past tense form of "dress." The past tense of "dress" is "dressed." Therefore, the correct word to complete the sentence is "dressed."

Correct sentence: The boy dressed (blank).
Correct completion: The boy dressed.

2. The car hurt (blank).
Similarly, we need to find the correct form of the verb "hurt" to complete the sentence. Since the sentence is in the past tense, we need to find the past tense form of "hurt." The past tense of "hurt" is also "hurt," so no change is required.

Correct sentence: The car hurt (blank).
Correct completion: The car hurt.

Therefore, the correct words to complete the sentences are:
1. The boy dressed.
2. The car hurt.