Time (sec) 20 25 30 35 Words Typed 40 50 x 70 James can type 40 words in 20 seconds. How many words can James type in 30 seconds? (1 point) Responses 60 60 30 30 25 25 20

To find out how many words James can type in 30 seconds, we can set up a proportion.

Let's set up the proportion: Words Typed / Time = Words Typed / Time

40 / 20 = x / 30

Now let's solve for x:

(40)(30) = 20x

1200 = 20x

To isolate x, we divide both sides by 20:

1200/20 = x

60 = x

Therefore, James can type 60 words in 30 seconds.

To find out how many words James can type in 30 seconds, we can set up a proportion using the ratios of time to words typed.

The ratio of time to words for James is:
20 seconds = 40 words

Let's set up a proportion using this ratio:

20 seconds / 40 words = 30 seconds / x words

We can cross-multiply to solve for x:

20 * x = 30 * 40

Simplifying further, we get:

20x = 1200

Dividing both sides by 20:

x = 60

Therefore, James can type 60 words in 30 seconds.

To find out how many words James can type in 30 seconds, we can create a ratio based on the given information.

Using the data provided:

Time (sec): 20 25 30 35
Words Typed: 40 50 x 70

We can see that in 20 seconds, James types 40 words, and in 35 seconds, he types 70 words. Therefore, we can form a ratio using these two data points:

20 seconds → 40 words
35 seconds → 70 words

Now, let's find out how many words James can type in 30 seconds. Since our ratio is already in proportion, we can use cross multiplication:

20 * 70 = 35 * x

Now we can solve for x:

1400 = 35x
x = 1400 / 35
x = 40

Therefore, James can type 40 words in 30 seconds.