Use the table to answer the question. 5 10 15 20 10 20 y 40 Find the missing value in the table. (1 point) $$


The missing value in the table is 30.

To find the missing value in the table, we need to look for a pattern or rule that is followed by the given values. Let's examine the numbers in the table:

5 10 15 20 10 20 y 40

Looking at the pattern, we can see that the first set of numbers increases by 5 each time: 5, 10, 15, 20. The second set of numbers remains constant at 10. The third set of numbers doubles each time: 20, 40.

Considering this pattern, the missing value in the table should be the same as the last value in the third set, which is 40.

Therefore, the missing value in the table is 40.

Use the table to answer the question.

1 3 x 7
7 21 35 49
Find the missing value in the table.