Use the table to answer the question. Time (m) Number of Free Throws 3 4 Larry can shoot 4 free throws in 3 minutes. Complete the ratio table to determine how many free throws he can make in 15 minutes. (2 points) Time (m) Number of Free Throws 3 4

Time (m) Number of Free Throws

3 4
15 20

To complete the ratio table, we need to find how many times 3 can go into 15. Since 3 multiplied by 5 equals 15, we can multiply the number of free throws by 5 as well.

4 multiplied by 5 equals 20.

Therefore, Larry can make 20 free throws in 15 minutes.

To find out how many free throws Larry can make in 15 minutes, we need to determine the ratio between the time and the number of free throws he can make.

First, let's calculate the ratio between time and free throws for the given table:

Ratio = Number of Free Throws / Time

Ratio = 4 / 3

Next, we can use this ratio to find out how many free throws Larry can make in 15 minutes.

Number of Free Throws = Ratio * Time

Number of Free Throws = (4 / 3) * 15

Number of Free Throws = 20

Therefore, Larry can make 20 free throws in 15 minutes.

To complete the ratio table, we need to determine the ratio of time to the number of free throws. We can find the ratio by dividing the number of free throws by the time it takes to shoot them.

In this case, the given ratio is:

3 minutes : 4 free throws

To find the ratio for 15 minutes, we can use proportions. We set up a proportion using the known ratio and the unknown ratio:

3 minutes / 4 free throws = 15 minutes / x free throws

Now we can solve for x, which represents the number of free throws Larry can make in 15 minutes.

To do this, we can cross multiply:

3 minutes * x free throws = 4 free throws * 15 minutes

3x = 60

Simplifying the equation:

x = 20

So, Larry can make 20 free throws in 15 minutes. We complete the ratio table as follows:

Time (m) Number of Free Throws
3 4
15 20