An ice cube is placed on a metal block that is at a room temperature of 30oC. Which statement describes the transfer of heat between the ice cube and metal block?

The heat will transfer from the metal block to the ice cube until they reach thermal equilibrium, meaning both objects reach the same temperature.

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The transfer of heat between the ice cube and metal block can be described by the following statement:

Heat will flow from the metal block at a higher temperature (30°C) to the ice cube at a lower temperature.

The transfer of heat between the ice cube and the metal block can be described by the second law of thermodynamics, which states that heat always flows from a hotter object to a colder object until they reach thermal equilibrium.

In this scenario, the metal block at a higher temperature (30°C) will transfer heat to the ice cube at a lower temperature (0°C). This process is called conduction. Conduction occurs when two objects at different temperatures come into direct contact, and heat is transferred through the atomic and molecular vibrations within the materials.

As a result, the ice cube will absorb heat from the metal block, causing it to melt. The metal block will lose heat and will cool down slightly. This transfer of heat continues until both the ice cube and metal block reach the same temperature, which is called thermal equilibrium.