If you drew a map of the Silk Road, you would want to include which of the following features? (1 point)

• Arabian Peninsula
• Cape of Good Hope
• northem Europe
• the Atlantic Ocean

You would want to include the Arabian Peninsula and northern Europe in a map of the Silk Road, as these regions were connected to the trade route. However, the Cape of Good Hope and the Atlantic Ocean would not be included, as the Silk Road primarily covered land routes connecting Asia and Europe, and did not extend to Africa or involve oceanic trade.

The Silk Road originated in which region? (1 point)

O Arabia
O Africa
• Europe
• China

The Silk Road originated in China.

When drawing a map of the Silk Road, it is important to include the following features:

- Arabian Peninsula: The Silk Road passed through the Arabian Peninsula, specifically through cities like Mecca and Medina.
- Northern Europe: Although the Silk Road did not extend all the way to Northern Europe, it is still important to include it on the map to provide geographical context.
- The Atlantic Ocean: The Silk Road did not reach the Atlantic Ocean. It primarily connected regions in Asia, Europe, and Africa, so including the Atlantic Ocean would not be necessary.
- Cape of Good Hope: The Cape of Good Hope is located in South Africa and was not part of the Silk Road. Therefore, it does not need to be included on the map of the Silk Road.

To determine which features you would include on a map of the Silk Road, we first need to understand the geography of the Silk Road.

The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that connected the East and West. It stretched across various regions, linking Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. To properly map the Silk Road, you would want to include the following features:

1. Arabian Peninsula: Although the Silk Road primarily connected Asia with Europe, it also had connections to the Arabian Peninsula. This region played a significant role in the trade between Asia and the Middle East.

2. Northern Europe: While the primary trade routes of the Silk Road did not extend as far as Northern Europe, certain goods and influences did make their way to this region over time. However, Northern Europe would not be a prominent feature on a map of the Silk Road.

3. The Atlantic Ocean: The Silk Road, by definition, focused on overland trade routes. It did not directly involve the Atlantic Ocean, as it primarily encompassed land routes across Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Therefore, the Atlantic Ocean would not be included in a map of the Silk Road.

4. Cape of Good Hope: The Cape of Good Hope is located at the southern tip of Africa, far away from the Silk Road. It was not a part of the ancient Silk Road trade network and, therefore, would not be featured on a map of the Silk Road.

In conclusion, if you were to draw a map of the Silk Road, you would include the Arabian Peninsula, but not the Cape of Good Hope, northern Europe, or the Atlantic Ocean.

Which statement best analyzes the economic impact of Muslim trade on Europe?(1 point) Responses Arab nations adopted the roman numeral system to standardize accounting practices. Arab nations adopted the roman numeral system to standardize accounting practices. Muslim trade led to European nations adopting Islam as their state religion. Muslim trade led to European nations adopting Islam as their state religion. Muslim trade contributed to the growth of the merchant class and commercial economy in Europe. Muslim trade contributed to the growth of the merchant class and commercial economy in Europe. European nations exported silk through Arab merchants.