The physician orders Mycostatin 250,000 units oral swish and swallow QID

You have on hand: 100,000 d units /mL
How many mL will you administer?
% *

To calculate the amount of Mycostatin to administer, we need to know the unit conversion.

The physician orders Mycostatin 250,000 units oral swish and swallow four times a day (QID).
You have on hand: 100,000 units/mL.

To find the mL to administer, we divide the ordered units by the concentration of the solution.

250,000 units / 100,000 units/mL = 2.5 mL

Therefore, you will administer 2.5 mL of Mycostatin.

To calculate the mL to administer, we need to determine the total number of units required.

The physician orders 250,000 units of Mycostatin for each administration.

Since we have on hand a concentration of 100,000 units/mL, we can calculate the mL needed by dividing the required units by the concentration:

Amount of Mycostatin needed (mL) = Required units / Concentration

Amount of Mycostatin needed (mL) = 250,000 units / 100,000 units/mL
Amount of Mycostatin needed (mL) = 2.5 mL

Therefore, you will need to administer 2.5 mL of Mycostatin.

To determine how many mL of Mycostatin you will administer, you need to calculate the dosage based on the physician's order and the concentration of the medication you have on hand.

First, let's break down the given information:

Physician's order: Mycostatin 250,000 units oral swish and swallow QID
Medication concentration: 100,000 units/mL

To calculate the dosage, follow these steps:

1. Determine the total amount of medication needed for one dose.
The physician's order states a dosage of 250,000 units per dose.

2. Calculate the volume (in mL) needed for the desired dosage based on the concentration.
Divide the total amount of medication needed (250,000 units) by the concentration of the medication available (100,000 units/mL).
250,000 units / 100,000 units/mL = 2.5 mL

Therefore, you will administer 2.5 mL of Mycostatin for each dose.