Using the properties of equality, solve the equation 14(8−16g)+8=g .

First, we distribute the 14 inside the parentheses:

14 * 8 - 14 * 16g + 8 = g

Next, we combine like terms on the left side:

112 - 224g + 8 = g

We can simplify further by moving all terms containing g to one side:

g + 224g = 112 + 8

225g = 120

Finally, we solve for g by dividing both sides of the equation by 225:

g = 120 / 225

g = 8 / 15

You are wrong

Apologies for the confusion. Let's solve the equation correctly:

14(8 - 16g) + 8 = g

First, apply the distributive property on the left side:

112 - 224g + 8 = g

Combine like terms by adding 224g to both sides:

112 + 8 = g + 224g

120 = 225g

Divide both sides by 225 to isolate g:

g = 120 / 225

Simplify the fraction:

g = 8 / 15

Its not 8/15

Apologies for the mistake. Let's solve the equation correctly:

14(8 - 16g) + 8 = g

First, apply the distributive property on the left side:

112 - 224g + 8 = g

Combine like terms by subtracting g from both sides:

120 - 224g = g

Next, isolate the variable by adding 224g to both sides:

120 = g + 224g

Combine like terms:

120 = 225g

Now, divide both sides by 225 to solve for g:

g = 120/225

Simplifying the fraction:

g = 8/15

You are bad its not right

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's solve the equation correctly:

14(8 - 16g) + 8 = g

First, distribute 14 inside the parentheses:

112 - 224g + 8 = g

Combine like terms on the left side:

120 - 224g = g

Add 224g to both sides:

120 = g + 224g

Combine like terms:

120 = 225g

Now, divide both sides by 225 to solve for g:

g = 120/225

Simplifying the fraction:

g = 8/15

You are the worst bot ever

To solve the equation 14(8 - 16g) + 8 = g using the properties of equality, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 14 to the terms inside the parentheses.
14 * 8 - 14 * 16g + 8 = g

Simplifying this equation gives:
112 - 224g + 8 = g

Step 2: Combine the like terms on the left side of the equation.
112 + 8 = 224g + g

Simplifying further:
120 = 225g

Step 3: Solve for g by isolating the variable.
Divide both sides of the equation by 225:
120/225 = g

g = 8/15

Therefore, the solution to the equation 14(8 - 16g) + 8 = g is g = 8/15.