What should summaries always include?(1 point)


main idea and writer's thoughts and feelings

important details and the writer's opinions

main idea and important details

important details and interesting details

main idea and important details

The correct answer is: main idea and important details

Summaries should always include the main idea and important details. To create a summary, follow these steps:

1. Read the passage or text carefully to understand its main idea or central point.
2. Identify the most important details or supporting information that contribute to the main idea.
3. Filter out any irrelevant or less significant information.
4. Rewrite the main idea in your own words, capturing the essence of the text.
5. Include the important details that support and explain the main idea.
6. Ensure that the summary is concise and to the point, without including any personal opinions or thoughts of the writer.

So, the correct answer is: main idea and important details.