The International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet. Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.

Which sentence effectively combines the two sentences above using a subordinating conjunction? Select the two correct answers.


The International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, and Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.
The International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, and Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006. - no response given

After the International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.
After the International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006. - no response given

The International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet because Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.
The International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet because Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006. - no response given

Although the International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.
Although the International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006. - no response given

The International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, so Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.

The International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, so Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.

2 answers

The correct answers are:

1. The International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, and Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.

2. After the International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.

The International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, so Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.

The correct answers are:

1. The International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, and Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.

2. Although the International Astronomical Union determined that Pluto did not meet the criteria needed to be considered a planet, Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006.

Both of these options effectively combine the two sentences using coordinating conjunctions ("and" and "although") to show the relationship between the two clauses.