What model can you use to represent −30 ÷ −6 ?(1 point)

(−6) + (−6) + (−6) + (−6) + (−6) = 5(−6) = −30
−30 − (−6) − (−6) − (−6) − (−6) − (−6) = −30 − 5 (−6) = 0
(−5) + (−5) + (−5) + (−5) + (−5) + (−5) = 6 (−5) = −3

The correct model to represent −30 ÷ −6 is (-30) divided into (-6) equal parts.

The model that can be used to represent -30 ÷ -6 is (−6) + (−6) + (−6) + (−6) + (−6) = 5(−6) = −30.

To represent −30 ÷ −6, you can use the repeated subtraction model or number line model.

1. Repeated subtraction:
Start with −30 and repeatedly subtract −6 from it until you reach 0.
(-6) + (-6) + (-6) + (-6) + (-6) = -30
So, the result is obtained by subtracting −6 five times, which equals −30.

2. Number line:
Represent −30 on a number line and divide it into six equal parts since we are dividing by −6.
Start from −30 on the number line and move six units to the left, landing at 0.
Thus, the result of −30 ÷ −6 is 0.

Both methods show that −30 ÷ −6 equals 0.