The distance between two towns is 18km. If you travel by car and cover 14km of the distance between the two towns before your car breaks down, how many meters did you walk if someone offered you a lift 2km from the next town?

If the total distance between the two towns is 18km and you have already covered 14km by car, then you have 18km - 14km = <<18-14=4>>4km left to cover on foot.

Since 1km is equal to 1000m, then 4km is equal to 4 * 1000m = <<4*1000=4000>>4000m.
When someone offers you a lift 2km from the next town, then you only have to walk the remaining 4km - 2km = <<4-2=2>>2km.
2km is equal to 2 * 1000m = <<2*1000=2000>>2000m.
Therefore, you walked a total of 4000m - 2000m = <<4000-2000=2000>>2000m. Answer: \boxed{2000}.

To find out how many meters you walked, we need to add the distance you covered by car (14km) to the distance between the point where your car broke down and where you were offered a lift (2km).

14km + 2km = 16km

Now, we need to convert the km to meters. Since 1km equals 1000m, we can multiply 16km by 1000 to find the total distance in meters.

16km * 1000m/km = 16,000 meters

Therefore, you walked 16,000 meters.

To find the distance you walked, we need to subtract the distance covered by car from the total distance between the towns. Here's how to calculate it:

1. Start by converting the distance between the towns, which is given in kilometers, to meters. Since there are 1000 meters in a kilometer, you can multiply 18km by 1000 to get the distance in meters: 18km * 1000m/km = 18000m.

2. Next, subtract the distance covered by car, which is 14km, from the total distance between the towns. This leaves us with the distance left to walk: 18000m - 14000m = 4000m.

3. Finally, add the distance offered in the lift, which is 2km, to the distance left to walk. This gives us the total distance you walked: 4000m + 2000m = 6000m.

Therefore, you walked 6000 meters.