you are adding 623 + 374 period explain how you would break them apart into a simpler problem to help you solve

To break apart the numbers 623 and 374 into a simpler problem, you can separate them into their place values.

The first step is to break apart the hundreds, tens, and ones places separately:

623 = 600 + 20 + 3
374 = 300 + 70 + 4

Now, you can add the hundreds places together:

600 + 300 = 900

Then, add the tens places together:

20 + 70 = 90

Finally, add the ones places together:

3 + 4 = 7

Now you have simplified the problem to:
900 + 90 + 7

Adding those together:
900 + 90 + 7 = 997

Therefore, 623 + 374 = 997.

To break down the addition problem 623 + 374 into simpler steps, you can use the "carrying method":

1. Start by adding the digits in the rightmost column, which is the units column: 3 + 4 = 7.
- Write down the sum 7 below the line.

2. Move to the next column, which is the tens column: 2 + 7 = 9.
- Write down the sum 9 below the line.

3. Proceed to the leftmost column, which is the hundreds column: Carryover from the previous step is 1 + 6 + 3 = 10.
- Write down the rightmost digit of the sum, which is 0, below the line.
- Carryover the leftmost digit of the sum, which is 1, to the next column.

4. Finally, write down the carried-over digit (1) above the line in the thousands column.

The final sum is 997. Therefore, 623 + 374 = 997.

To add 623 and 374 together, you can break them down into simpler parts by considering their place values.

First, let's look at the hundreds place. In 623, the hundreds digit is 6, and in 374, the hundreds digit is 3. To add these together, we get 6 + 3 = 9.

Next, let's consider the tens place. In 623, the tens digit is 2, and in 374, the tens digit is 7. To add these together, we get 2 + 7 = 9.

Finally, let's consider the ones place. In 623, the ones digit is 3, and in 374, the ones digit is 4. To add these together, we get 3 + 4 = 7.

Now that we have the sums of each place value, we combine them to get the final answer. The sum of the hundreds place is 9, the sum of the tens place is 9, and the sum of the ones place is 7. So the final answer is 999.

Therefore, by breaking down the numbers and adding them by place value, we can solve the addition problem 623 + 374 to get the answer 997.