Which behavior is an example of a healthy habit? (1 point) Responses staying up late one night texting with your friend staying up late one night texting with your friend splurging on a dessert at a restaurant splurging on a dessert at a restaurant walking at least three miles every day walking at least three miles every day lifting a lot of weights to make up for not lifting last week lifting a lot of weights to make up for not lifting last week

Walking at least three miles every day

The behavior that is an example of a healthy habit is walking at least three miles every day.

The behavior that is an example of a healthy habit is: walking at least three miles every day.

To determine this, we should evaluate each behavior's impact on overall health and well-being. Staying up late one night texting with a friend and splurging on a dessert at a restaurant are considered unhealthy habits as they can disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to an unhealthy diet respectively. Lifting a lot of weights to make up for not lifting the previous week might lead to overexertion and potential injury.

Walking at least three miles every day, on the other hand, is a healthy habit. Walking is a low-impact exercise that can benefit cardiovascular health, improve mood, boost energy levels, and help to maintain a healthy weight. It is a sustainable and accessible form of physical activity that can be easily incorporated into a daily routine.

To adopt this healthy habit of walking, one can start by setting a specific goal of walking at least three miles per day. This can be achieved by scheduling a dedicated time for daily walks, such as before or after work or during lunch breaks. Additionally, finding a walking buddy or using a pedometer or smartphone app to track and monitor progress can provide motivation and accountability.