What significant effect did the Treaty of Paris, signed after

the French and Indian War, have on France? (1 point)
France had lost much of its territory and power in North
France expanded its territory in North America.
France had to withdraw to its empire in Central and
South America.
France lost its claim to the entire Florida territory.

France had lost much of its territory and power in North America.

In the text you read the following about

George Washington and the Battle of Fort
Determined to carry out his orders, Washington hurried on. Native
American allies revealed that French scouts were camped in the
woods ahead. Marching quietly through the night, Washington
launched a surprise attack and scattered the French. The Iroquois
helped the British fight against the French, as well as the French
allies, the Algonquins.
Use the excerpt to answer the question.
How might the Iroquois have been helpful in assisting the
British troops in the surprise attack?
(1 point)
The Iroquois likely instructed British troops how to fight
in the woods.
The Iroquois likely had better knowledge of the habits
of the French and Algonquins and could plan
The Iroquois likely had more modern equipment than
the British.
The Iroquois likely had better knowledge of the area
and could lead British troops through the woods.

The Iroquois likely had better knowledge of the habits of the French and Algonquins and could plan accordingly.

Which was NOT a reason that the Iroquois joined forces

with the British? (1 point)
They were enemies with some other tribes who were
fighting with the French.
The British charged lower prices than the French and
therefore the Iroquois trusted them more.
They wanted to join forces with the Algonquins and
Hurons who were also fighting with the British.
They had long traded with British fur traders and didn’t
want to upset the relationship.

They wanted to join forces with the Algonquins and

Hurons who were also fighting with the British.

Abigail Adams, in a letter to John Adams:

. . . I long to hear that you have declared an independency—and
by the way in the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be
necessary for you to make I desire you would Remember the
Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your
ancestors. . . . If particular care and attention is not paid to the
Ladies we are determined to foment [incite; instigate] a Rebellion,
and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have
no voice, or Representation. . . .
Use the excerpt to answer the question.
How does Abigail Adams use the ideas of the patriots to
support her cause?
(1 point)
by claiming that women have the right to rebel if they
do not have a voice in government
by declaring women to be independent from and
having the same rights as men
by insisting that history has always been unfair to
by comparing the existing British laws with the laws
that the patriots feel need to be established

by claiming that women have the right to rebel if they do not have a voice in government

In the text you read this about the Olive Branch

After much debate, the delegates sent a petition to King George. In
the Olive Branch Petition, they declared their loyalty to the king and
asked him to repeal the Intolerable Acts.
George III was furious when he heard about the petition. The
colonists, he raged, were trying to begin a war “for the purpose of
establishing an independent empire!” The king vowed to bring the
rebels to justice. He ordered 20,000 more troops to the colonies to
crush the revolt.
Use the excerpt to answer the question.
What was the impact of the Olive Branch Petition?
(1 point)
It declared independence from Britain for the first time.
It weakened the Continental Congress.
It caused there to be a brief break in the fighting.
It failed to bring about peace and only angered King
George III.

It failed to bring about peace and only angered King George III.

Advantages and Disadvantages of American

Forces During the Revolutionary War
Advantages Disadvantages
Familiar with land Less money to fund the war
Access to resources Less national development
Willingness to fight Poorly trained and supplied
Minutemen and volunteers Smaller population
Use the chart to answer the question.
Based on the chart, what major advantage did the
colonists have over the British during the Revolutionary
War? (1 point)
colonists had more supplies than the British
colonists had European financial support
colonists had more soldiers than the British
colonists had a better knowledge of the land than the