Authors who write to persuade want to make their reader

Understand how something works
Feel a certain way about a topic
enjoying the text they have written
want to find out more about their topic

Take action on a particular issue or topic

Authors who write to persuade want to make their readers:

1. Understand how something works: Persuasive authors often aim to explain a concept or process in a way that helps the readers grasp and comprehend it. By breaking down complex ideas into simpler terms and providing examples or evidence, they want their readers to understand the topic and its underlying mechanisms.

2. Feel a certain way about a topic: Persuasive authors try to evoke specific emotions or reactions from their readers. They employ various rhetorical strategies, such as using vivid imagery, appealing to the readers' values or beliefs, or emphasizing the consequences of a particular viewpoint. By tapping into their readers' emotions, they hope to sway their perspective and foster specific sentiments about the topic.

3. Enjoy the text they have written: Persuasive authors understand the importance of engaging their readers. They strive to write compelling and captivating content that captures the readers' attention and keeps them interested. By using engaging language, storytelling techniques, or incorporating humor, authors aim to create an enjoyable reading experience, making it more likely for readers to connect with and be persuaded by their arguments.

4. Want to find out more about their topic: Persuasive authors often present their arguments in a way that leaves readers curious and hungry for more information. They provide a glimpse into the topic, raise intriguing questions, or hint at additional evidence or ideas that can support their point of view. By piquing readers' curiosity, authors hope to inspire them to further explore the subject matter and seek out additional knowledge and information.

Overall, authors who write to persuade aim to effectively communicate their viewpoint by ensuring their readers understand the topic, feel a certain way about it, enjoy the reading experience, and are motivated to delve deeper into the subject.

Authors who write to persuade typically have the goal of influencing their readers' beliefs, opinions, or actions. They try to make their audience understand how something works, feel a certain way about a topic, enjoy the text they have written, and want to find out more about their topic. To achieve this, authors employ various persuasive techniques such as logical reasoning, emotional appeal, credible evidence, personal anecdotes, persuasive language, and rhetorical devices like repetition and rhetorical questions. These techniques are strategically used to make their argument compelling, convincing, and engaging to the readers. Overall, the objective of persuasive writing is to sway the audience to agree with the author's perspective or take a specific course of action.