a person jogs on a curvy trail six miles in one hour 6 miles/hour would be their

average velocity
average speed

6 miles/hour would be their speed and average speed. This is because speed is the rate at which an object is moving, and in this case, the person is running at a constant rate of 6 miles per hour. Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken, which is also 6 miles/hour in this case.

However, average velocity would be 0 miles/hour. Velocity takes into account both the speed and direction of an object's motion. Since the person is jogging on a curvy trail, they are constantly changing directions and therefore their average velocity would be 0 miles/hour, as the direction cancels out over the course of the hour.

The person's speed would be 6 miles per hour since it is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

Average velocity, on the other hand, takes into account both the magnitude (speed) and direction of the object's displacement. Since the question does not provide any information regarding the direction of the jogger's motion, we cannot determine the average velocity.

Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken. In this case, the average speed would also be 6 miles per hour since the jogger covered a total distance of 6 miles in one hour.

Velocity, similar to average velocity, requires information about both the magnitude and direction of motion. Without any information regarding the direction of the jogger's motion, we cannot determine their velocity.

To determine the person's speed, average velocity, average speed, and velocity, we need to understand the definitions of these terms and how they are calculated.

1. Speed: Speed is a scalar quantity that measures the rate at which an object covers a distance. It is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken. Speed is always positive and doesn't consider the direction of movement.

2. Average Velocity: Velocity is a vector quantity that measures the rate at which an object changes its position. Velocity takes into account both the magnitude (speed) and direction of motion. Average velocity is calculated by dividing the total displacement (change in position) by the total time taken. Displacement is the straight-line distance between the initial and final positions, measured in a specific direction.

3. Average Speed: Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken. It is similar to speed, but it doesn't include the direction of motion.

4. Velocity: Velocity is the rate at which an object changes its position in a specific direction. Unlike speed, velocity considers both the magnitude and direction of motion.

In the given scenario, the person jogs on a curvy trail covering a distance of 6 miles in one hour.

Speed = Total distance / Total time = 6 miles / 1 hour = 6 miles/hour

Since speed is a scalar quantity, it represents the magnitude of how fast the person is jogging. In this case, the speed is 6 miles per hour.

As the question doesn't provide information about the initial and final positions, we cannot calculate the displacement needed for average velocity. However, if we assume the person ends up at the starting position after one hour, the displacement would be zero, resulting in an average velocity of 0 miles per hour.

Average Speed = Total distance / Total time = 6 miles / 1 hour = 6 miles/hour

Average speed is the magnitude of the average velocity and is the same as speed in this case, which is 6 miles per hour.

To conclude:

- Speed: 6 miles/hour
- Average Velocity (assuming the person ends up at the starting position): 0 miles/hour
- Average Speed: 6 miles/hour
- Velocity: Not enough information provided to calculate velocity.