Ms. Estrada plans to take 36 chocolate chip cookies to sell at a bake sale. She wants to bake enough to keep at least 24 cookies for her cookie jar at home.

To ensure that Ms. Estrada has at least 24 cookies for her cookie jar at home, she needs to bake an additional 24 cookies to keep for herself.

Therefore, she needs to bake a total of 36 + 24 = <<36+24=60>>60 chocolate chip cookies.

To determine how many cookies Ms. Estrada needs to bake, we will subtract the number of cookies she wants to keep at home from the total number of cookies she plans to take to the bake sale.

Step 1: Subtract the desired number of cookies to keep from the total number of cookies.
Total cookies - Desired cookies to keep = Number of cookies to bake

36 cookies - 24 cookies = 12 cookies

So, Ms. Estrada needs to bake at least 12 additional cookies for the bake sale.

To figure out how many chocolate chip cookies Ms. Estrada needs to bake, we need to first determine how many she wants to keep for herself.

Since Ms. Estrada wants to keep at least 24 cookies, we subtract this number from the total number of cookies she plans to take to the bake sale.

36 cookies - 24 cookies = 12 cookies

Therefore, Ms. Estrada needs to bake a total of 12 chocolate chip cookies for the bake sale.