When creating this drawing the artist recognized the basic shapes in this figure in order to

Photo of a seated soldier

create a more accurate and detailed drawing of the figure.

To recognize the basic shapes in the figure of a seated soldier when creating a drawing, follow these steps:

1. Observe the overall shape: Look at the soldier's body posture and try to identify the basic shape that represents the main mass of the body. Is it a triangle, rectangle, or oval?

2. Identify the head shape: Pay attention to the soldier's head and determine whether it appears more oval, square, or round. This will help you define the proportions and placement of other facial features.

3. Observe the limbs: Focus on the arms and legs of the soldier. Determine whether they appear cylindrical, rectangular, or tapering in shape. Consider the angles and proportions to help you accurately depict their position and movement.

4. Notice the torso shape: Analyze the shape of the soldier's chest and abdomen area. Is it more rectangular, triangular, or curved? This will influence the overall structure of the body and help you establish the correct proportions.

5. Look at smaller details: Take into account any smaller shapes within the drawing, such as the hands, feet, or equipment the soldier is holding. These shapes should be observed within the context of the larger figure.

By recognizing and drawing the basic shapes in the figure of a seated soldier, you can establish a solid foundation for your drawing, ensuring accurate proportions and capturing the essence of the subject.

To recognize the basic shapes in a figure, the artist typically follows a process known as "shape analysis." Here's what you can do to identify the basic shapes in the photo of the seated soldier:

1. Observe the photo: Take a good look at the entire photo to get an overall understanding of the figure. Notice the position of the soldier, the proportions, and any distinctive features.

2. Start with the large shapes: Identify the main forms or masses in the photo. Look for areas that stand out or take up a significant portion of the image. In the case of a seated soldier, the main shapes could be the outline of the body, the head, and any props or objects nearby.

3. Break it down: Once you've identified the larger shapes, start breaking them down into simpler geometric shapes. Look for circles, ovals, rectangles, triangles, or other basic shapes that can be found within the main forms. For example, the head might be an oval, the body could be a combination of rectangles, and the limbs could be simplified to cylinders or triangles.

4. Refine the shapes: Use your observation skills to refine the shapes and make them more accurate. Notice any variations within the basic shapes, such as curves, angles, or asymmetry. Make adjustments accordingly to capture the unique features of the soldier.

By following these steps, you will be able to recognize and analyze the basic shapes in the figure of the seated soldier. This can serve as a foundation for creating a more detailed and accurate drawing.