Why was the Act of Toleration enacted? (1 point) Responses to ensure African Americans could maintain their own religious practices to ensure African Americans could maintain their own religious practices to provide freedom of religion for Jews to provide freedom of religion for Jews to retain a separation between church and state to retain a separation between church and state to safeguard freedom of worship to Catholics who founded Maryland

to safeguard freedom of worship to Catholics who founded Maryland

The Act of Toleration was enacted to safeguard freedom of worship for Catholics who founded Maryland.

The Act of Toleration was enacted to safeguard freedom of worship for Catholics who founded Maryland. To understand why this act was enacted, we can look at historical context and the motivations behind it. To find this information, we can refer to reliable historical sources, such as academic books or articles, that discuss the Act of Toleration and its reasons.

One way to access this information is to search for books or articles that specifically cover the topic of religious tolerance in Maryland or the Act of Toleration. Libraries, both physical and digital, are excellent resources to consult for this purpose. By searching in library catalogs or online databases using relevant keywords, you can find scholarly sources that explain the historical background, events, and motivations surrounding the enactment of the Act of Toleration.

By reading these sources, you can gain a thorough understanding of the Act of Toleration and its connection to the preservation of Catholic religious freedom in the context of Maryland's founding.