A man set out at 12.15pm to visit his son at school 175 km away.If he travels at an average speed of 75km/hour,when does he arrive at the school

To find out when the man arrives at the school, we need to determine the total time it takes for him to travel 175 km at an average speed of 75 km/h.

The formula to calculate the time taken for a journey is:

Time = Distance / Speed

Given that the man is traveling at an average speed of 75 km/h and the distance to the school is 175 km, we can calculate the time taken as follows:

Time = 175 km / 75 km/hour

Time = 2.33 hours

However, since the man set out at 12.15 pm, we need to add the travel time to this starting time to determine the arrival time.

Since 2.33 hours is equivalent to 2 hours and 20 minutes (0.33 × 60), we can add this time to the initial departure time of 12.15 pm.

Therefore, the man will arrive at the school at 2.35 pm (12.15 pm + 2 hours and 20 minutes).

To calculate the arrival time, we need to divide the distance by the speed.

- Distance: 175 km
- Speed: 75 km/hour

To find the time it takes to travel 175 km at an average speed of 75 km/hour, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 175 km / 75 km/hour

Time = 2.33 hours

Since 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, we can convert the decimal part (0.33) into minutes by multiplying it by 60:

0.33 * 60 = 19.8 minutes

So, the total time taken is 2 hours and 19.8 minutes.

Now, to find the arrival time, we need to add the travel time to the departure time:

Departure time = 12:15 pm

Adding the travel time of 2 hours and 19.8 minutes to 12:15 pm:

12:15 pm + 2 hours = 2:15 pm

15 minutes + 19.8 minutes = 34.8 minutes

Rounding 34.8 minutes to the nearest minute, we get 35 minutes.

So, the man will arrive at the school at approximately 2:15 pm + 35 minutes = 2:50 pm.

To find out when the man arrives at the school, we need to determine how long it takes for him to travel the 175 km distance.

We can use the formula: time = distance / speed.

Given that the distance is 175 km and the average speed is 75 km/hour, we can calculate the time as follows:

Time = 175 km / 75 km/hour

The units of kilometers (km) cancel out, leaving us with hours as a result.

Time = 2.33 hours

However, we need to convert this to minutes since we have a specific starting time.

To convert hours to minutes, we multiply by 60:

Time in minutes = 2.33 hours * 60 minutes/hour

Time in minutes = 140 minutes

Now we add the travel time to the starting time of 12:15 PM:

12:15 PM + 140 minutes = 2:35 PM

Therefore, the man arrives at the school at 2:35 PM if he travels at an average speed of 75 km/hour.