The average speed of a bicycle rider is 30km/h.If the rider covers 48km.Calculate the time used for the journey

To calculate the time used for the journey, we can divide the distance covered by the average speed:

Time = Distance/Speed

Time = 48 km / 30 km/h

Time = 1.6 hours

Therefore, the time used for the journey is 1.6 hours.

To calculate the time used for the journey, you can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Distance = 48 km
Speed = 30 km/h

Using the formula:

Time = 48 km / 30 km/h


Time = 1.6 hours

Therefore, the time used for the journey is 1.6 hours.

To calculate the time used for the journey, you can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Given that the distance covered by the rider is 48 km and the average speed is 30 km/h, you can substitute these values into the formula:

Time = 48 km / 30 km/h

Simplifying this expression, you can divide 48 km by 30 km/h:

Time = 1.6 hours

Therefore, the time used for the journey is 1.6 hours.