Identify the following:(1 point) Substrate Starch Product Starch Enzyme Maltose

Based on the given information, the substrate is starch and the product is maltose. The enzyme involved in this process is not specified.

Based on the information provided, the identification is as follows:

Substrate: Starch
Product: Maltose
Enzyme: Starch Enzyme (not specified in the question)

To identify the different components mentioned, we can break down the terms and understand their meanings:

1. Substrate: In biochemistry, a substrate is the substance upon which an enzyme acts. It is the molecule that undergoes a chemical change during a reaction. In this case, the substrate is starch.

2. Starch: Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of glucose molecules linked together in a polymer. It is a common source of energy in many plants, including potatoes, corn, and wheat.

3. Product: In the context of a biochemical reaction, a product is the resulting substance or substances formed from the chemical transformation of the substrate. In this case, the product is maltose.

4. Starch Enzyme: An enzyme is a protein that catalyzes (speeds up) a specific biochemical reaction. The starch enzyme specifically refers to an enzyme that breaks down starch into its constituent molecules. It is known as amylase.

5. Maltose: Maltose is a disaccharide made up of two glucose molecules linked together. It is the resulting product when starch is broken down by the starch enzyme, amylase.

In summary:
Substrate: Starch
Product: Maltose
Enzyme: Starch enzyme or amylase