Identify the following:(1 point) Substrate Starch Product Starch Enzyme Maltose

Substrate: Starch

Product: Maltose
Enzyme: Starch enzyme (also known as amylase)

Substrate: Starch

Product: Maltose
Enzyme: Starch Enzyme

To identify the different components mentioned, we need to understand their definitions and characteristics:

1. Substrate: A substrate is a substance or compound that undergoes a chemical reaction or is converted to another compound through the action of an enzyme. In this case, we are looking for the substrate involved in the reaction.

2. Starch: Starch is a complex carbohydrate consisting of multiple glucose units joined together. It is a common source of energy in plants and is often found in foods like potatoes, rice, and wheat.

3. Product: In a chemical reaction, a product is the resulting compound or substance formed through the reaction. We are looking for the product of the reaction.

4. Starch Enzyme: An enzyme is a biological molecule (usually a protein) that facilitates and speeds up chemical reactions in living organisms. The specific enzyme mentioned here is involved in breaking down starch.

5. Maltose: Maltose is a disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules linked together. It is one of the products formed when starch is broken down.

Given this information, we can infer the following identifications:

- Substrate: Starch
- Product: Maltose
- Enzyme: The question does not provide the name of the specific enzyme involved in the conversion. However, we know that it is an enzyme that breaks down starch to produce maltose.