________ communication is information that flows between worker to worker on the same hierarchical level.






Horizontal communication is information that flows between workers on the same hierarchical level.

Horizontal communication is information that flows between workers on the same hierarchical level. This type of communication typically occurs between colleagues or employees who have similar roles or positions within an organization.

To determine the correct answer, you should understand the definitions of the different types of communication within an organization's structure. In this case, you need to identify the type of communication that involves workers on the same hierarchical level.

In downward communication, information flows from higher-ranking individuals to lower-ranking individuals. This is common when supervisors or managers give instructions, provide feedback, or delegate tasks to their subordinates.

Upward communication involves information flowing from lower-ranking individuals to higher-ranking individuals. It allows employees to share ideas, suggestions, concerns, or feedback with their superiors.

Diagonal communication refers to information that flows across different levels and departments within an organization, bypassing the chain of command. It facilitates collaboration, coordination, and problem-solving between individuals or teams from different areas of the organization.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is horizontal communication, as it involves information that flows between workers on the same hierarchical level.