The distance between Lagos and Benin is 180 km.Peter took 2 hours to cover the distance by motorcycle.whatbwas his speed

To find Peter's speed, we need to divide the distance traveled by the time taken.

Speed = Distance / Time

In this case, the distance is given as 180 km, and the time taken is given as 2 hours.

Speed = 180 km / 2 hours

Speed = 90 km/h

Therefore, Peter's speed was 90 km/h.

To calculate Peter's speed, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Given that the distance between Lagos and Benin is 180 km and it took Peter 2 hours to cover that distance, the speed can be calculated as:

Speed = 180 km / 2 hours


Speed = 90 km/hour

Therefore, Peter's speed was 90 km/hour.

To calculate Peter's speed, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Given that the distance between Lagos and Benin is 180 km and it took Peter 2 hours to cover this distance, we can substitute these values into the formula to find his speed.

Speed = 180 km / 2 hours
Speed = 90 km/h

Therefore, Peter's speed was 90 kilometers per hour.