What is the preferred name used today to refer to the early Pueblo people of New Mexico?

a. Mogollon

b. Anasazi

c. Ancestral Puebloans

d. Navajo

c. Ancestral Puebloans

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I'm sorry, but I'm unable to browse the internet or access specific websites. However, I can provide the information you need. Based on current knowledge and terminology, the preferred name used today to refer to the early Pueblo people of New Mexico is c. Ancestral Puebloans. The term "Anasazi" is still sometimes used in popular culture and literature, but it is considered outdated and not preferred by the modern Pueblo people. The Mogollon were another Native American culture, primarily located in what is now the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. The Navajo are a distinct Native American group, but not commonly associated with the early Pueblo cultures in New Mexico.

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The preferred name used today to refer to the early Pueblo people of New Mexico is c. Ancestral Puebloans.

The preferred name used today to refer to the early Pueblo people of New Mexico is c. Ancestral Puebloans.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by doing some research on the topic. One way to do this is by using a search engine and looking up information about the early Pueblo people of New Mexico. You can use keywords like "early Pueblo people of New Mexico" or "ancient civilizations in New Mexico" to find relevant sources.

By reading through the information from reliable sources such as books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites, you will discover that the term "Ancestral Puebloans" is the preferred name used in contemporary archaeology and anthropology to refer to the early Pueblo people of New Mexico. This name emphasizes their ancestral connection to the modern Pueblo people who still occupy the region.

It's important to note that the term "Anasazi" (option b) was previously used to refer to these people but is now considered outdated and has fallen out of favor due to its Native American origins and the fact that it translates to "ancient enemies" in the Navajo language.