In a business, the person with the role of initiator participates in the buying process by _____.

controlling the flow of information

identifying a need

placing an order

specifying requirements

B. identifying a need

t a chain of stores, a group of buyers decides what electronics to carry. Which is the best way for the buyers to decide how much of a new product to buy?

Based on which products they think are the best

Based on what they expect consumers will demand

Based on what they think will be most exciting to sell

Based on what will meet their social and esteem needs

B. Based on what they expect consumers will demand

April usually buys office paper from the same supplier, but lately the price has been rising. Which type of purchase is April most likely to use the next time the office needs more paper?

Straight rebuy

New task purchase

Automatic reordering

Modified rebuy

D. Modified rebuy

B. identifying a need

The person with the role of an initiator in a business participates in the buying process by identifying a need. They are responsible for recognizing and bringing attention to a specific problem or requirement within the organization that necessitates a purchase or acquisition. Once the need is identified, they may communicate this information to others involved in the buying decision, such as decision-makers or purchasing agents.

The correct answer is B. identifying a need.

To understand how to get the answer, let's break down the question and the answer options:

The question asks you to identify the role of the initiator in the buying process in a business.

Option A says the initiator participates by controlling the flow of information.
Option B says the initiator participates by identifying a need.
Option C says the initiator participates by placing an order.
Option D says the initiator participates by specifying requirements.

To find the correct answer, we need to understand the role of the initiator in the buying process.

The initiator is the person who first recognizes and identifies a need within the business. They may notice a problem or an opportunity for improvement that requires a purchase. The initiator plays a crucial role in initiating the buying process by identifying this need.

Based on this understanding, we can see that the correct answer is B. The initiator participates in the buying process by identifying a need.

Therefore, to answer this question correctly, you need to understand the role of the initiator in the buying process and choose the option that aligns with that role.