The Free-Soil Party was a precursor to which political party?

(1 point)

Know Nothing Party
Know Nothing Party

Whig Party
Whig Party

Republican Party
Republican Party

Copperhead Party

The Free-Soil Party was a precursor to the Republican Party.

The Free-Soil Party was a precursor to the Republican Party. To arrive at this answer, you can take the following steps:

1. Identify the main ideas and goals of the Free-Soil Party: The Free-Soil Party was formed in the United States in 1848, and its primary goal was to oppose the expansion of slavery into the Western territories. They believed that slavery should be prohibited in these new areas.

2. Analyze the historical context: The Free-Soil Party emerged during a time of growing tensions over the issue of slavery. The United States was expanding westward, and the question of whether new states should allow or prohibit slavery was a major point of contention.

3. Trace the party's impact and influence: Although short-lived, the Free-Soil Party played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of the time. It gained support from anti-slavery activists, abolitionists, and those who were concerned about the economic and social implications of slavery spreading into new territories.

4. Examine the subsequent political developments: Following the demise of the Free-Soil Party, many of its members and supporters joined forces with other anti-slavery factions to form the Republican Party in 1854. The Republican Party shared similar goals and principles to the Free-Soil Party, including the opposition to the expansion of slavery.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the Free-Soil Party was a precursor to the Republican Party.