An ice cube is placed on a metal block that is at a room temperature of 30oC. Which statement describes the transfer of heat between the ice cube and metal block?(1 point)

The heat will transfer from the metal block to the ice cube until they reach thermal equilibrium.

The transfer of heat between the ice cube and metal block is best described by the process of conduction.

The transfer of heat between the ice cube and the metal block can be described using the statement "Heat flows from the metal block to the ice cube."


When two objects are in contact with each other at different temperatures, heat naturally flows from the object at a higher temperature to the object at a lower temperature. This transfer of heat continues until both objects reach thermal equilibrium, meaning they reach the same temperature.

In this case, the metal block is at a room temperature of 30oC, which is higher than the temperature of the ice cube. The ice cube, being at a lower temperature, absorbs heat energy from the metal block. This transfer of heat causes the ice cube to melt and increase in temperature, while the metal block loses heat and decreases in temperature.

Therefore, the correct statement is: "Heat flows from the metal block to the ice cube."