Drag and drop the items to match the holy writings of the Christian religion.

Gospels. Epistles. Revelation.

Options: letters, parables, last book, return of Jesus, teachings of Jesus, many written by paul

Gospels - teachings of Jesus

Epistles - letters, many written by Paul
Revelation - last book, return of Jesus

To match the holy writings of the Christian religion, you should consider the following:

Gospels: The Gospels refer to the accounts of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. They provide insights into his ministry and are considered as the central texts of Christianity.

Epistles: The Epistles are letters written by various authors in the New Testament. They provide teachings, instructions, and guidance for Christian communities.

Revelation: Revelation, also known as the Book of Revelation, is the last book of the New Testament. It contains apocalyptic and prophetic visions, revealing the end times and the return of Jesus Christ.

Based on this information, you can match the items as follows:

- Gospels: Teachings of Jesus, many written by Paul
- Epistles: Letters, many written by Paul
- Revelation: Last book, return of Jesus

To match the holy writings of the Christian religion, you would need to drag and drop the items as follows:

Gospels — Teachings of Jesus
Epistles — Letters, Many written by Paul
Revelation — Last book, Return of Jesus

The Gospels refer to the four books in the New Testament that record the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These writings contain the teachings and actions of Jesus during his time on Earth.

The Epistles are letters written by various authors in the New Testament. Many of these letters were written by the Apostle Paul and address various issues, provide instructions, and offer encouragement to early Christian communities.

Revelation is the last book of the Bible, and it is attributed to the Apostle John. It contains apocalyptic literature and describes the return of Jesus, the end times, and the establishment of God's kingdom.

By organizing the items in this way, you have successfully matched the holy writings of the Christian religion.