Solve 2.64×0.00921(separately)

2.64 × 0.00921 = 0.0243044

Solve 2.647×0.00921(separately showing solvings)

To solve 2.647 × 0.00921, we can multiply the numbers using the following steps:

Step 1: Line up the decimal points:
x 0.00921

Step 2: Ignore the decimal points and multiply as regular numbers:
x 921

Step 3: Multiply the ones place: 7 x 1 = 7
x 921

Step 4: Multiply the tens place: 4 x 1 = 4
x 921

Step 5: Multiply the hundreds place: 6 x 1 = 6
x 921

Step 6: Multiply the thousands place: 2 x 1 = 2
x 921

Step 7: Multiply the ones place with the second number:
x 0.00921

Step 8: Count the number of decimal places in the original numbers (3 in 2.647 and 5 in 0.00921). Add the decimal places together: 3 + 5 = 8.

Step 9: Place the decimal point in the product, counting from the right, using the total number of decimal places obtained in Step 8 (8 from Step 8):
2.647 × 0.00921 = 0.02439487

Use log table to answer

To use a logarithm table to solve 2.647 × 0.00921, we can take the logarithm of each number to simplify the multiplication.

Step 1: Look up the logarithm of 2.647 from the table.
The logarithm of 2.647 is 0.4225 (approximately).

Step 2: Look up the logarithm of 0.00921 from the table.
The logarithm of 0.00921 is -3.0367 (approximately).

Step 3: Add the logarithms obtained in Step 1 and Step 2.
0.4225 + (-3.0367) = -2.6142 (approximately).

Step 4: Use the table to find the antilogarithm (inverse logarithm) of the result obtained in Step 3.
The antilogarithm of -2.6142 is 0.00375 (approximately).

Therefore, 2.647 × 0.00921 is approximately equal to 0.00375.

Now divide(substract) by the denominator0.05738

To divide 0.00375 by the denominator 0.05738, we can subtract the logarithms of the numbers using the logarithm table.

Step 1: Look up the logarithm of 0.00375 from the table.
The logarithm of 0.00375 is -2.425 (approximately).

Step 2: Look up the logarithm of 0.05738 from the table.
The logarithm of 0.05738 is -1.2412 (approximately).

Step 3: Subtract the logarithms obtained in Step 1 and Step 2.
-2.425 - (-1.2412) = -1.1838 (approximately).

Step 4: Use the table to find the antilogarithm (inverse logarithm) of the result obtained in Step 3.
The antilogarithm of -1.1838 is 0.0911 (approximately).

Therefore, dividing or subtracting 0.00375 by 0.05738 gives an approximate result of 0.0911.

Without antilog of numerator but of denominator

To divide 0.00375 by the denominator 0.05738 without finding the antilogarithm of the numerator, we can use the logarithmic properties and subtract the logarithms.

Step 1: Take the logarithm of the denominator 0.05738.
The logarithm of 0.05738 is approximately -1.2412.

Step 2: Subtract the logarithm of the denominator from the logarithm of the numerator.
log(0.00375) - log(0.05738) = log(0.00375/0.05738)

Step 3: Simplify the subtraction of logarithms by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
log(0.00375/0.05738) = log(0.00375) - log(0.05738) = -2.425 - (-1.2412) = -2.425 + 1.2412 = -1.1838

Therefore, dividing 0.00375 by 0.05738 without finding the antilogarithm of the numerator gives an approximate result of -1.1838.

To solve the multiplication problem 2.64 × 0.00921, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the number before the decimal point.
2.64 × 0.00921 = 0.0242984

Step 2: Count the decimal places in both numbers and add them together.
The number 2.64 has two decimal places, and the number 0.00921 has five decimal places. Therefore, the total number of decimal places is two + five = seven.

Step 3: Adjust the decimal point in the product.
Starting from the right side of the product, move the decimal point seven places to the left.
0.0242984 becomes 0.0000242984

So, the solution to 2.64 × 0.00921 is approximately 0.0000242984.

Remember, when multiplying decimals, it is crucial to align the decimal points correctly and then adjust the decimal point in the final answer based on the total number of decimal places.