Identify the common household item that is acidic.(1 point) Responses detergent detergent vinegar vinegar baking soda baking soda shampoo


The common household item that is acidic is vinegar.

To identify the common household item that is acidic, we can refer to its pH level. The pH scale is a measure of acidity or alkalinity, with values ranging from 0 to 14. A substance with a pH below 7 is considered acidic.

One way to determine the pH level of a substance is to use pH test strips or a pH meter, which can be purchased from a local grocery store or online. These tools provide a color change or a digital reading that corresponds to the pH level of the substance being tested.

Alternatively, you can also refer to general knowledge about common household items that are typically acidic. Based on this knowledge, the common household item that is acidic is vinegar. Vinegar, such as white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, is commonly used in cooking, cleaning, and various home remedies. It is known for its acidic properties and has a pH level ranging from 2 to 3.

Therefore, the correct answer is vinegar.