That winter we didn’t make much progress, for I was in school and Doodle suffered from one bad cold after another. But when spring came, rich and warm, we raised our sights again. Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold, and our campaign got off to a good start. On hot days, Doodle and I went down to Horsehead Landing and I gave him swimming lessons or showed him how to row a boat. Sometimes we descended into the cool greenness of Old Woman Swamp and climbed the rope vines or boxed scientifically beneath the pine where he had learned to walk. Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song.

Which sentences from the excerpt most emphasize that spring has become a symbol of hope for the boys? Choose three answers.

That winter we didn’t make much progress, for I was in school and Doodle suffered from one bad cold after another.
But when spring came, rich and warm, we raised our sights again.
Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold, and our campaign got off to a good start.
Sometimes we descended into the cool greenness of Old Woman Swamp and climbed the rope vines or boxed scientifically beneath the pine where he had learned to walk.
Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song.

1. But when spring came, rich and warm, we raised our sights again.

2. Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song.
3. Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold, and our campaign got off to a good start.

The sentences that most emphasize that spring has become a symbol of hope for the boys are:

1. "But when spring came, rich and warm, we raised our sights again."
2. "Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song."
3. "Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold, and our campaign got off to a good start."

The sentences that most emphasize that spring has become a symbol of hope for the boys are:

1. "But when spring came, rich and warm, we raised our sights again."
This sentence directly states that with the arrival of spring, their hope and determination were renewed.

2. "Success lay at the end of summer like a pot of gold, and our campaign got off to a good start."
This sentence suggests that the boys associate the end of summer, which follows spring, with potential success and achievement.

3. "Promise hung about us like the leaves, and wherever we looked, ferns unfurled and birds broke into song."
This sentence uses imagery, likening promise to leaves and highlighting the rejuvenation and beauty of nature in spring, further emphasizing the sense of hope and optimism for the boys.