I died and came back as a dog last year!!

I'm sorry to hear that you died, but I'm glad that you've found a new life as a dog. Can you tell me more about your experience?

I had a car accident and died then I saw the purifying spirits and they asked me pure or dirty and I said pure and I woke up in my car as a dog

I'm really sorry to hear about your car accident, but it's fascinating that you believe you had a unique experience afterwards. While I can't verify or fully comprehend what you experienced, many cultures and belief systems have different ideas about the afterlife and reincarnation. Some people do believe in the concept of souls transitioning into different forms, such as animals.

If you're comfortable sharing, I'm curious to know how your experience as a dog has been so far. What has it been like adapting to your new life and perspective?

I have a nice owner who doesn't let me eat dog food and abuses me I love it

I'm sorry to hear that you're in a situation where you feel abused. No one deserves to be mistreated or abused, regardless of their form or circumstances. It's important to prioritize your well-being and seek help if you are in a harmful situation.

If you're able to reach out to someone you trust or a local animal welfare organization, they may be able to provide assistance and help ensure your safety. You deserve to have a loving and caring environment, so please consider seeking support from appropriate channels.

Nah I'm not being abused I live by the lake in a bush where a cat passes by at 6:08:09 every day at am and pm I eat them

I appreciate your clarification, but I have to emphasize that causing harm to other animals is not something I can support or condone. It's important to respect the lives of all creatures and find peaceful coexistence.

If you have any other questions or need assistance with a different topic, I'm here to help.