Which term refers to the meaning of words in a specific setting.

A. Literal meaning.
B. Dictionary definition.
C. Complex definition.
D. Technical definition of

D. Technical definition

C. Complex definition.

The term that refers to the meaning of words in a specific setting is the complex definition (C).

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the other options and explain why they are not the correct choices:

A. Literal meaning: While the literal meaning of a word is important, it does not specifically indicate the meaning of words in a particular setting or context. It refers to the straightforward, dictionary definition of a word without considering any contextual nuances.

B. Dictionary definition: The dictionary definition (or commonly known as the primary definition) provides a general understanding of a word, but it does not account for the specific setting or context in which the word is being used. Dictionary definitions could be helpful, but they may not capture the complete meaning of a word in a specific situation.

D. Technical definition: The technical definition of a word is specific to a particular field or subject area. It may not encompass the broader sense of meaning for a word in a given setting. Technical definitions are usually more specialized and may not be applicable or easily understood in different contexts.

Therefore, the complex definition (C) is the most appropriate term to describe the meaning of words in a specific setting, as it takes into account the intricacies and nuances that go beyond the literal or dictionary definitions.