Which option describes the purpose of using active voice?(1 point) Responses to correct the error presented by passive voice to correct the error presented by passive voice to make writing stronger to make writing stronger to focus attention on the receiver of the action to focus attention on the receiver of the action to write in present tense to write in present tense

to focus attention on the receiver of the action

The purpose of using active voice is to make writing stronger and to focus attention on the receiver of the action. Active voice helps to present the subject as the doer of the action, which can make writing more engaging and direct. Using active voice can also help to avoid confusion or ambiguity in sentence structure.

The option that describes the purpose of using active voice is to make writing stronger.

Explanation: Active voice is a grammatical construction in which the subject of the sentence performs the action. This construction is generally considered more direct, concise, and powerful than passive voice. It allows you to clearly identify the doer of the action and emphasizes the subject's role in the sentence. Using active voice can make your writing more engaging and impactful for the reader.