Which statement accurately contrasts the concepts of loose construction and strict construction? (point) Loose construction interprets the Constitution as the original intent of its authors, whereas strict construction allows for interpretations to reflect modern -day issues Loose construction is a broad interpretation of the Constitution, whereas strict construction interprets the Constitution exactly as it is written. Loose construction was favored by the Anti-Federalists and strict construction was favored by the Federalists. Loose construction allows for limited federal power, whereas strict construction allows for more federal power

Loose construction is a broad interpretation of the Constitution, whereas strict construction interprets the Constitution exactly as it is written.

Constitutional interpretations can lead to a change in law enforcement procedures.

Law enforcement must read a suspect their Miranda rights prior to being interrogated.

The Second Amendment was interpreted to include the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Both cases increased the powers of the federal government.

Which statement best identifies the impact of constitutional interpretation? (point) Constitutional interpretations create new amendments Constitutional interpretations do not impact a Supreme Court decision Constitutional interpretations lead to disputes between state and federal courts. Constitutional interpretations can lead to a change in law enforcement procedures

How did the ruling in the Miranda v. Arizona case change law enforcement procedures ? ( 1 point) Law enforcement may search a home without a warrant Law enforcement may question a suspect before reading a suspect their rights . Law enforcement may interrogate a suspect without the presence of an attorney . Law enforcement must read a suspect their Miranda rights prior to being interrogated .

Which statement best identifies how the Second Amendment was interpreted in the McDonald v. Chicago case (1 point ) The Second Amendment was interpreted to include the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment . The Supreme Court does not have the authority to interpret any amendment in the Constitution. The Supreme Court extended rights that are not explicitly outlined in the Constitution. The Second Amendment was interpreted to include the rights included in the First Amendment.

Which statement best assesses the impact of the cases Marbury v. Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland on the Constitution ? 1 point) Both cases increased the powers of the judicial branch. Both cases increased the powers of the federal government. Both cases did not increase any federal power. Both cases increased the powers of the executive branch

The accurate statement that contrasts the concepts of loose construction and strict construction is: Loose construction is a broad interpretation of the Constitution, whereas strict construction interprets the Constitution exactly as it is written.

To understand this contrast, it is important to know that loose construction and strict construction are two different approaches to interpreting the Constitution in the context of US law.

Loose construction, also known as broad construction, involves interpreting the Constitution in a way that allows for flexibility and adaptation to modern circumstances. This means that loose constructionists may interpret the Constitution based on the original intent of its authors but also consider how it can be applied to address modern-day issues.

On the other hand, strict construction, also known as literal construction or originalism, emphasizes interpreting the Constitution strictly based on its original text and the intent of its authors. Strict constructionists believe that the Constitution should be interpreted exactly as it was written, without allowing for flexibility or broad interpretations.

In summary, while loose construction entails a broad interpretation of the Constitution, taking into account modern-day issues, strict construction adheres to a literal interpretation, focusing on the original text of the Constitution.