If the bearing of B from A is 180°. what is the bearing of A from B

The bearing of A from B is 0°.

If the bearing of B from A is 180°, then the bearing of A from B would also be 180°. The bearing represents the direction or angle from one point to another, so if B is directly opposite A, then the bearing remains the same in both directions.

The bearing of A from B would be the exact opposite of the bearing of B from A. In this case, if the bearing of B from A is 180°, then the bearing of A from B would be 0°.

To understand this concept, it is helpful to visualize the bearings as angles measured in degrees clockwise from a reference direction or point. In this scenario, the bearing of B from A indicates that B is directly opposite A, so the bearing of A from B would be in the exact opposite direction.

You can determine the bearing of A from B by subtracting the given bearing (in this case, 180°) from 360°, which represents a complete revolution. So, 360° - 180° = 180°. Therefore, the bearing of A from B is 0°.