A girl has her eyes shut and is standing inside a brightly lit room what happens to her pupils when she opens her eyes

A. Her pupils grow because the muscles relax
B. Her pupils grow because the muscles contract
C. Her pupils shrink because the muscles relax
D. Her pupils shrink because the muscles contract

D. Her pupils shrink because the muscles contract

D. Her pupils shrink because the muscles contract

When a person is in a brightly lit room, their pupils naturally become smaller to limit the amount of light that enters the eye. This is a reflexive response of the muscles in the iris, called the pupillary reflex. However, if a girl has her eyes shut in a brightly lit room and then opens them, her pupils will initially be small due to the muscle contraction caused by the bright light. As she opens her eyes wider and adjusts to the light, the pupils will gradually grow larger.

Based on this, the correct answer is:

D. Her pupils shrink because the muscles contract.